Anagram Names Energiser Objectives
This energiser gets your delegates to problem solve and think creatively. It’s the perfect way to position a creative-thinking or problem-solving training module.
Group Size
- Four or more
Anagram Names Energiser Instructions
Create some anagrams of your delegates’ names.
If you are running a creative thinking/problem-solving session, display the anagrams on a flip and ask the group what they anagrams mean. See who can work them out first.
Alternatively, you can use the anagrams as nameplates for pre-arranged seating.
As another alternative, you can display the anagrams as pairs and use them to assign delegates to a paired activity. As noted previously, if you are running a creative thinking/problem-solving game, the anagrams can be the kick-off to that training game.
- Full instructions for running the training energiser
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