70:20:10 Learning Training Game


Learning opportunities are all around us; yet sometimes, we can get fixated on ‘courses’ or ‘e-learning’. This game harnesses the 70:20:20 learning models to provide insights on the types of learning opportunities that are at hand and within easy to access for each of us.


70:20:10 Learning Objectives

Using the 70:20:10 learning model, delegates are encouraged to understand and recognise the different learning opportunities that are available for themselves and for those they lead.

The game provides delegates with tangible access to a raft of learning ideas that sit within each of the 70:20:10 strands.

Group Size

  • Maximum of eight

70:20:10 Learning Instructions

Explain to your group that they are going to play a game that will help them to think about the 70:20:10 learning model.

Split the group into two teams.

Explain that most of our learning comes from working and sharing with our colleagues, on-the-job, every day. When we learn, we add so much value to our business. It also feels great to be able to develop ourselves or to help our colleagues to develop.

Explain that the objective of the task is to work out what type of learning activities sit under the following headings:

  • Formal training input; whether this takes the form of from workshops, e-learning, distance learning, etc.
  • Learning and development that happens as a result of real-life, on-the-job experiences
  • Coaching, feedback and from observing and working with role models and colleagues – this is referred to as ‘social learning.’

Once you have completed that task, you will be given three more cards, each with a percentage on it (70%, 20%, and 10%). You need to think about what percentage relates to the time spent learning the activities in the above headings.

You have eight minutes to come up with your answers to the first part, and then two minutes to assign the percentages.

Hand out one copy of the headings, and activity statements pack per team and set them on their way.


  • Full instructions for running the training game
  • Headlines and 70:20:10 learning statement cards
  • Full debrief instructions, including questions to encourage debate and participation
  • Explanation to support learning outcomes


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